20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning
Conference days: September 9�11, 2015;
Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2015;
Early registration: June, 2015;
Regular registration: July~ugust, 2015; Paper submission deadline: December 31, 2015 more
Conference Topics
The International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning provides an annual forum to exchange information and ideas about the use of multimedia in physics teaching and learning. MPTL2015 is the twentieth in the series of these workshops. more
Call for Papers
The purpose of the 20th MPTL Workshop is to bring together people working in physics educational research and in physics education at all educational levels and developers of multimedia learning tools from the whole world to enable them to share research results and exchange experience. more
Author Guidelines for Proposals
Invited Speakers
Michael Dubson: "Apples vs. Oranges: Comparison of Student Performance in a MOOC vs. a Brick-and-Mortar Course"
Christian Hackenberger: "A Dance with Electrons"
Wouter van Joolingen: "Drawing-based modelling to foster early science learning"
David Lowe: "Remote laboratories and mediated interactions: the real opportunity for enhancing learning"
Jochen Schieck (EPS Invited Speaker): "Particle Physics � three years after the discovery oft the Higgs"
Conference Venue
The 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning will take place at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit�t M�nchen � the University of Munich, Germany. more
Some hotels in Munich where rooms are arranged for MPTL-Conference more
Teacher Workshops
1. Wolfgang Christian: "�bernehmen und Anpassen einer JavaScript-Simulation f�r den eigenen Physikunterricht"
2. Andr� Bresges: "Chancen und Potenziale digitaler Medien im inklusiven Unterricht"
3. Antje Kohnle: "Interaktive Simulationen f�r den Quantenphysikunterricht"
4. Patrick Bronner: "'Und er w�rfelt doch!' Quantenphysik mit einzelnen Photonen"
5. Peter Mayer: "Multimedia im Physikunterricht - Simulationen und Animationen ausw�hlen, bewerten und einsetzen"
6. Wolfgang Christian: "Physik in Videos modellieren"
7. Jochen Kuhn: "iAcoustics: Die Welt der Akustik mit dem Smartphone erkunden � Experimente f�r die Sekundarstufe 1 und 2"
How to get to LMU
LMU Munich’s historic Main Building is located in the heart of the city. Since parking facilities near the Downtown Campus are extremely limited, we recommend that you use Munich’s excellent public transportation network. more